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Why do you keep on thinking they aren't lying?

Mr. Obama said he'd close GITMO. He didn't.

He said he'd raise the Federal minimum wage and connect it to inflation rates. He did not.

He said he'd protect whistle-blowers (he did the opposite).

He promised to change the closed door style of legislation in Washington. Transparency was huge, for him... That was crap.

Healthcare was a priority, too. He half-assed it.

He was going to cease endless (pointless) wars. That didn't happen.  The list of bullshit was actually quite long:

Yet, his supporters think he was a god.

Mr. Trump said he'd do the job for “Free”. He didn't need the money. Then, he spent absurd amounts of time at his own resorts, making far more money off the taxpayer by golfing than any mere President's paycheck. This, after claiming he wouldn't have time to golf because he'd be too busy working.

He said he'd build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it. He did attempt to build it. But, like most intelligent people expected, Mexico didn't pay. We did. It was never even a question.

He said he'd replace Obama's healthcare plan with something “beautiful”. No attempt was made.

He said he'd hire only the best people. He hired the least qualified and the most corporate minded abusers of the consumer and the environment. He hired friends and family and obvious criminals with no experience and none of the knowledge that the position required. His way to “drain the swamp”.

His line of bullshit was even longer than Obama's:

Yet, his supporters think he's a god.

Every Republican and every Democrat in my lifetime has a similar record, to some degree. Maybe, a few start out with the best of intentions. Maybe. But, before it's over they lease their power to corporate interests:

The two parties have a mutual symbiotic relationship. They intentionally feed each other and they keep others out in order to maintain their shared power.

They kick the hot issues back and forth or down the road to keep us off balance and eager to buy all their bullshit. They don't tell the truth unless it happens to serve the immediate interests of their campaign because they just don't have to.

They manipulate the information and spread it through sympathetic media outlets. The story you get is limited to what they are willing to allow you to believe. They play on your emotions and your sense of decency and justice, telling you what to think, thereby, controlling your vote.

It's a racket, run by the most sophisticated organized crime syndicate in history.

As a free citizen, it should bother you to be herded and corralled into voting for someone you don't agree with on most issues. It should anger you to know that no one you vote for has your actual interests in mind. That you're stuck voting for someone you think is harmful because you can't let the other side win. "You gotta take the bad with the good". "Lesser of two evils", right? No. It's not right. That is the mindset of sociopolitical defeat. It's conceding to a totally unworthy opponent. Those are the words of apathy and intellectual sloth. Words of inaction. In the end, words of self-betrayal. Of self-oppression.

It's not your Democracy at work. It's your fear at work. It's pissing your pants at the thought of confrontation. It's also lying to yourself and the world about who you are.

"Every nation gets the government it deserves."

~Joseph De Maistre~

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